
Monday, April 15, 2024

24岁的汉娜·怀特在14岁时在一家护理机构工作时,首次对医疗保健产生了兴趣. “I loved having the chance to connect with my patients one-on-one,怀特回忆道, 谁将于今年春天从主要研究的健康与人类服务学院(CHHS)毕业,获得护理学士学位.

毕业后, 作为家乡多佛的温特沃斯-道格拉斯医院(WDH)的一名护士,怀特将有机会做更多的事情, 新汉普郡. She was offered a position on the medical-surgical unit, where she’ll work with oncology, orthopedic and comfort care patients, 今年夏天,他以弗林研究员的身份在WDH完成了实习.

Founded by Fred Flynn in honor of his wife, who died of ovarian cancer in 2013, 弗林奖学金是一个竞争激烈的项目,为护理专业的学生提供在主要癌症医院带薪实习的机会. By increasing nursing students’ exposure to the field of oncology, 弗林的目标是在研究员进入工作岗位后,提高对肿瘤患者及其家属的护理质量.

With more than 500 students competing for 48 fellowships this year, 每一位弗林研究员都是最优秀、最聪明的——怀特也不例外. “Hannah is a perfect example; she excelled in her internship at Wentworth-Douglass, 展示专业知识和对创造关怀文化意义的临床把握,弗林说。.

While White had the academic record, 评选委员会在所有奖学金获得者身上寻找的对肿瘤学的同情心和热情, she exceeded expectations during her internship. “Hannah’s Flynn Fellowship project was amazing,” recalls Kelly Grady, director of nursing education, research and innovation at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital. 她的项目, titled “A Culture of Caring in Radiation Oncology,” explored the cultural context of patient care, 这“根本不是护理专业学生通常考虑的因素”,格雷迪说。. “汉娜的远见卓识和深思熟虑显示了她在承担这样一个不可思议的项目时的成熟,她补充道.

给n White’s impressive skill set, 在实习结束后,她获得了成为WDH护理团队一员的机会,这并不奇怪. “她有很强的与他人沟通的能力——病人和同事,朗达·博德说, CHHS Interim Director of Nursing. “除此之外, 这种关心他人的深刻倾向的重要性怎么强调都不为过,Board说。.

也许这是因为怀特一直在接受优秀的护理. “我记得当我还是个孩子的时候,一个护士牵着我的手做手术. That act of kindness was small but so powerful,” White says. 作为WDH的护士, 她期待着提供卓越的护理和同情心,这对她作为一个病人来说意味着很多.